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How you gently shift out of 2024,

while stepping into your true identity for 2025



When: Sunday, December 29th, 2024 @ 6:30pm UK
Where: Zoom
Length: Approx 2 hours

A recording will be available

This Online Workshop will use the special time between x-mas and new years to help you bring closure to 2024, activate the gifts it brought, while cutting the cords to what is not serving you anymore. 

Then we establish the perfect foundations for your year ahead. 


I will lead you through exercises and activations to

  • clear out any debris from 2024 that is not needed anymore

  • to strengthen your strengths and re-install confidence and

  • set goals and connect to your visions in a way that is working for you.

What’s Included:

  • 2-Hour Workshop Ticket 🎟

  • Activation processes 🌀

  • Transforming exercises 🔥

  • Digital Recording of your replay ⏯​

This is an ALL NEW WORKSHOP, the upgraded 2.0 version after running it for the first time last year.


44,44 €Price
VAT Included
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